StreetSaver Blog

City of Campbell Pavement Maintenance Program Overview

by City of Campbell | Feb 27, 2023


The City of Campbell maintains approximately 95 miles of roadway. To keep track of the pavement condition of each street and to develop the City’s street maintenance program each year, the City utilizes a Pavement Management Program authorized by Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) called StreetSaver.  This program uses data regarding a street’s current pavement condition, maintenance and rehabilitation history, potential rehabilitation treatments, and the City’s budget to provide broad level recommendations for pavement maintenance.  Basically, StreetSaver is a computerized system that manages and recommends the proper time to perform the appropriate preventive maintenance work on each street.

Preventive maintenance is the most cost-effective way to maintain the City’s streets.  The purpose of preventive maintenance is to extend the service life of a street by preventing water from entering in the roadway, which can cause softening of the underlying street structural section/base and can cause early failure of the roadway surface.  If preventive maintenance work is done correctly and in a timely manner, the service life of a street can be greatly extended.
Various types of preventative street maintenance treatments are:   

When the condition of a street reaches the point where preventive maintenance no longer is cost-effective, street reconstruction will be required.  Reconstruction of a street involves removing the entire roadway structural section and replacing it.  The cost can be anywhere from 10 to 100 times more expensive than a typical preventive maintenance treatment.  The cost for reconstruction often times is so prohibitive that the annual pavement maintenance funds alone would not be sufficient for such work.

Policy on Street Cut Moratorium

All streets within the City of Campbell which have received any type of pavement resurfacing or reconstruction are not permitted for any excavation or utility cut for a period of five (5) years from project completion. Date of project completion is the date of the filing of the project Notice of Acceptance by the Office of the City Engineer.

The Moratorium Street Map can be found at the link below.  The Department will make efforts to notify utility companies of the planned streets; however, it is the responsibility of the utility company to verify status of a street prior to any excavation or utility cut or to check with City staff for planning purposes.

Violators shall restore roadway to the limits, using the method determined by the City Engineer.  At a minimum the restoration shall be from edge of pavement to edge of pavement.

Failure to conform to this policy will result in stoppage of all work in the public right-of-way until proper street restoration is completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 
Exceptions to this policy are as follows:
1. Emergencies which endanger life or property.
2. Interruption of essential utility service.
3. Work that is mandated by City, County, State, or Federal legislation.
4. Service for buildings where no other feasible means of providing service exists.
5. Other situations deemed by the City Engineer to be in the best interest of the general public.

GIS Map and Data

An interactive map can be found here in our GIS.  To see the streets currently under moratorium please select the layer "Street Moratorium".  Streets shown in red are currently under moratorium, streets shown in green are under construction, and streets shown in blue are proposed for future paving.  You can click on a street segment to get more details.

Shapefiles for your GIS:
  • Streets currently under moratorium available here
  • Streets proposed to be paved (future moratorium) available here

Source: City of Campbell