Case Study: City of Elk Grove

The City of Elk Grove is responsible for the maintenance of nearly 1,150 lane miles of roadway with over 90 million square feet of pavement. The goal of the Pavement Management Program is to maintain the city’s pavement in the best condition possible given the funding available. Each year, preventive maintenance treatments are performed on various City streets. These treatment projects are intended to extend the life of the pavement and avoid more costly repair or replacement of streets.

2022-11-03T03:18:51+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Asphalt Institute Offers Free Asphalt Webinar Series

As part of the effort to support pavement preservation, Asphalt Institute is announcing that 12 of their recorded webinars on topics related to PP will be offered for free. The speakers on the webinars are experienced industry professionals or members of AI’s staff. We hope these recorded webinars will be a valuable training resource for agency and industry groups that want to learn more about emulsified asphalt as well as design and construction of emulsified asphalt applications and pavement preservation treatments.

2022-11-03T03:18:51+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Heated Pavement Technology Tested at Des Moines International Airport

Iowa State University's Halil Ceylan picked up his smartphone, opened up an app and called up the remote controls for the first full-scale test slabs of electrically conductive concrete installed at an American airport. When a winter storm approaches, Ceylan can use that app to turn on the heated pavement system and, thanks to real-time video capability, watch as snow and ice melts away.

2022-11-03T03:18:51+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to Hold Free Webinars

FHWA, in cooperation with the AASHTO Joint Technical Committee on Pavements, TRB Committee AFD10, Pavement Management Systems, and AFD20, Pavement Condition Evaluation, is hosting a series of quarterly webinars on pavement management. The purpose of the webinars is to provide a forum for education and communication for pavement management practitioners.

2022-11-03T03:18:51+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Why is Pavement Preservation Important?

2017 arrives with many uncertainties, along with a new president. There is, however, a consensus in infrastructure investment. So at the minimum, systems preservation will be in the spot light. I have made one and only one New Year resolution this year – getting more local agencies to subscribe to pavement preservation.

2022-11-03T03:18:51+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

Put Your Pavement Management House in Better Order

I can’t believe we are in late January already. I hope you are keeping up with the New Year’s resolutions. Studies have shown that only about 65% of the resolutions are being kept in the first month. As I have known better, setting up too many goals is the sure-fire way to failure. It is easier to set just two or three goals, making sure to apply the principles of S.M.A.R.T goal setting. Below are the three goals to make you easier to kick off 2016 on the right foot:

2022-11-04T18:48:22+00:00July 27th, 2017|Best Practices, Uncategorized|

3 Cold Hard Truths on Condition Assessment

I received an urgent phone call from an East Coast user few days ago. “You have to help me!” Before I could say “sure”, he had started telling me the problem. In short, he was asking if there was anything he could do to rectify the distress data that was collected a year ago. This is because without any increase in funding, his network PCI had gone up 10 points.

2022-11-04T18:48:54+00:00March 9th, 2017|Uncategorized|
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