Save American Roads with Pavement Preservation

Americans are accustomed to easy mobility on safe, smooth, and well maintained roads and streets. These roads and streets play a critical role in the nation’s economy providing opportunities for agriculture, industry, commerce, and recreation. Unfortunately, many of our roadway networks are deteriorating in quality requiring better management of our assets. This blog discusses the benefits of pavement preservation and importance of integrating it into pavement management systems.

2022-11-04T18:33:56+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Best Practices|

What is Roller Compacted Concrete?

Roller Compacted Concrete pavement is best described as a zero slump concrete that is placed with standard or high-density paving equipment and consolidated/compacted using steel-drum or rubber-tired rollers to achieve a durable, wear resistant surface.

2022-11-04T18:35:32+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Best Practices|

Developing Network Slurry Seal Performance Models Using Pavement Management Systems Data

As a popular pavement preservation treatment, a slurry seal is typically included in agencies’ maintenance and rehabilitation toolboxes, in decision trees of pavement management systems (PMS), or both. However, performance prediction models for slurry seals are mostly anecdotal or at undertaken at project level. The goal of this paper is to illustrate a method of developing data-driven performance models for slurry seal applications for use at a network level.

2022-11-04T18:53:03+00:00May 17th, 2022|Best Practices|

Put Your Pavement Management House in Better Order

I can’t believe we are in late January already. I hope you are keeping up with the New Year’s resolutions. Studies have shown that only about 65% of the resolutions are being kept in the first month. As I have known better, setting up too many goals is the sure-fire way to failure. It is easier to set just two or three goals, making sure to apply the principles of S.M.A.R.T goal setting. Below are the three goals to make you easier to kick off 2016 on the right foot:

2022-11-04T18:48:22+00:00July 27th, 2017|Best Practices, Uncategorized|

Keeping Good Roads Good

Most of us have experienced a situation where we come across a bumpy stretch of road or a rough patch of pavement. As we get to the end of this bumpy stretch, it’s usually the same expression: “Someone should fix that darn road!” Well, should they? StreetSaver’s philosophy, in its simplest terms, is “keeping good roads good”. The entire outlook of applying preventative maintenance to a good road while letting a poor road deteriorate while waiting for funding might seem foreign to many. StreetSaver proves this method to be the most cost effective. How does it do it?

2022-11-04T18:46:17+00:00March 9th, 2017|Best Practices|
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