Connect with Cloud Services API for integration with your in-house systems

Get connectivity, full network management, and integrated capabilities with real-time automated updates. It’s a secure work solution for your agency.

Time Saving

No more dual data entry. Changes in StreetSaver can be downloaded to your in-house systems and changes in your in-house data can be uploaded to StreetSaver.


Use the API to create customized services and plugins, to push and pull data between in-house systems and StreetSaver.

Web-based API

The API is based on a REST Web Service to maximize compatibility and integration possibilities.

An Integrated and Secure API

By leveraging secure REST web services, StreetSaver Cloud services opens up web methods that are directly accessible for licensed users. With web methods available, users can upload/download data programmatically from another system such as an in-house GIS system.

Users can purchase an Inspection API license or a full Section license. The included API methods cover a complete set of Section data, including GPS, Current PCI, and all Section Attributes available in the current StreetSaver program. Section Cloud Services will allow the user to add/edit/delete/locate all Sections in the network. For those GIS-centric agencies where pavement section data is updated in the GIS system, this solves a long and painful problem, providing for Section attributes to be updated automatically where an in-house application performs the updates.

Ready to upgrade your workflow?

Sign up for a free demo of the Cloud Services API.