Get Certified

The Vendor Certification Program (VCP), like the Rater Certification Program, consists of a vendor passing a pavement distress survey exam, and an online knowledge exam. These exams are designed to evaluate the skills and knowledge of a vendor on pavement condition rating based on the MTC’s 8AC/7PCC-distress protocol. A vendor must rate up to 24 test sites and achieve the required level of accuracy performing ratings as defined by the Passing Criteria (see below). The vendor certification exam is conducted twice a year.

Work with MTC’s PTAP

Meet the minimum qualifications required for responding to RFPs/RFQs for local agencies and MTC’s Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (PTAP).

Trusted Referral

Earn a trusted referral — MTC will maintain a list of certified vendors and raters on the website that we refer local agencies to.

Increased Confidence

Increase local agencies’ confidence in the quality of data collected.

Register now for upcoming exams

Rater Certification Exam – Rater


April 17, 2025

  • $1150 for the Rater Certification exam
  • $250 fee for the renewal registration fee and online test
  • Distress manuals are available for $25 from our store
The Rater Certification Exam is designed to improve the quality of pavement management data collected in the field by pavement raters.

Rater Certification Program
Under the Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (P-TAP), even if a firm is vendor-certified, all of the firm’s raters must be certified by MTC through the Rater Certification Program (RCP). The RCP consists of passing a pavement distress manual survey exam, and an online knowledge exam. These exams are designed to evaluate the skills and knowledge of raters on pavement condition rating based on the MTC’s 8AC/7PCC-distress protocol. A rater must rate up to 24 test sites and achieve the required level of accuracy performing ratings as defined by the Passing Criteria (see below). Raters from non-P-TAP consulting firms and local agencies can be certified. The rater certification exam will be conducted once a year. Upon successful completion of the exams, a certificate will be issued that is valid for two years. Renewal is good for another two more years upon successful completion of a refresher course – Pavement Distress Identification Tutorial – and must pass an online exam. Every four years, all certified raters must take the field and knowledge exams to be recertified, provided all prerequisites are met.

The exam is open to pavement distress raters of P-TAP contractors, pavement management consultants, and local agencies.

At a minimum, raters interested in taking the exam must be familiar with the MTC pavement distress rating procedures. These are described in the 8AC/7PCC-Distress protocol based on a modified ASTM D6433. The distress definitions and descriptions are included in the MTC-published Pavement Condition Index Distress Identification Manual for Asphalt and Surface Treatment Pavements, 4th Edition, March 2016 and the Pavement Condition Index Distress Identification Manual for Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, 3rd Edition, March 2016.

In addition, to meet the prerequisites, the rater must have either attended the MTC Pavement Distress Survey class within the last four years or attended an online self-paced Pavement Condition Assessment course.


Rating & Recording Method
Only the walking (manual) distress survey method is acceptable. Raters will be tested on both asphalt (AC) pavement and Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. The distress data collected on AC test sites must be for the full width of the street by 100 feet long (or half width by 100 feet if the width of the street is greater than 40 feet). Distress data for PCC will be rated based on each slab.

Up to 24 test sites will be designated and marked by paint on the pavement. No sampling of inspection units is required. Raters are not required to calculate the PCI; however, the total quantity of each distress and severity must be recorded. Raters should provide “raw data” on the inspection sheet (see samples Sample1_RatingSheet_AC & Sample2_RatingSheet_PCC), in StreetSaver format as described by the Inspection Import Excel Format (see SampleExcel), and in MobileRater format.

Passing Criteria
To pass the field survey of the Rater Certification exam, raters must meet the following two criteria on distress data:

  • At least 50 percent of the PCI values for the inspected sections must be within +/- 8 PCI points of the reference, or “ground truth,” PCI values.
  • No more than 12 percent of the PCI values for the inspected sections can be greater than +/- 18 PCI points of the reference, or “ground truth,” PCI values.

Applicants will receive field survey results by e-mail on following the exam. Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail to take an online knowledge exam. A minimum score of 80% is required to pass. Only one retesting is allowed. Online exam must be completed within a month after receipt of notification.

Rules and Testing Procedures
To ensure a level playing field, failure to adhere to the following rules may result in disqualification:

  • A map of the test sites will be distributed at 7:45 am on the testing date at a meeting location determined by MTC.
  • All surveys must be finished within the allotted time period from 8 am to 4 pm.
  • All raw data (paper-based or electronic-based) must be submitted by 4 pm.
  • Only the walking (manual) distress survey method is allowed.
  • Each rater is required to perform the manual rating, no teaming is allowed.
  • Inspection sheets will be provided; no substitute sheets will be accepted.
  • AC test sites are marked in full width by 100 ft. in length or otherwise specified for AC. PCC test sites are marked from 10 to 30 slabs.
  • Raters are required to provide necessary personal protection equipment and tools for the survey.
  • Fees are not refundable and must be paid each time the exam is taken.
  • No retest is allowed for field survey exam; however, one retest is allowed for the online knowledge exam.
  • Field testing can be suspended due to inclement weather.

Why Getting Certified?
MTC is the developer of the StreetSaver pavement management software with more than 500 users nationwide, consisting predominantly of cities and counties. In addition to making StreetSaver available to local agencies, MTC uses the software to perform regional street and road condition and maintenance needs assessments for the 109 cities and counties in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2008, StreetSaver has been used exclusively to perform the California local street and road statewide needs assessment. The statewide assessment is used to inform the Governor and Legislature of the critical funding shortfall for maintaining local streets and roads, and the consequences of deferring or reducing transportation funds for cities and counties.

To ensure quality data from our P-TAP consultants for our analysis, we have developed procedures and guidelines for managing the quality of pavement data collection activities. MTC’s Data Quality Management Plan includes Rater and Vendor Certification Programs, quality control–before, during and after production– and data acceptance. The vendor certification is part of the consultant selection and is an integral part of our data quality plan. The Rater Certification Program: however, ensures that raters are capable of providing the desired level of accuracy on pavement condition ratings. Some StreetSaver users at the local agency level, within or outside the Bay Area, may require that consultants’ raters be certified or the firm is vendor-certified by MTC to perform data collection.

Benefits of Becoming Certified:

  • Meet the minimum qualifications required for responding to RFPs/RFQs for MTC’s Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program
  • Increase local agencies’ confidence in database quality
  • Demonstrate your firm’s knowledge of pavement condition data collection with certified raters
  • Show that your firm is committed to providing quality data
  • Earn a trusted referral — MTC will maintain a list of certified consultants and raters

If you have any questions on the exam, please Contact Us.


Oakland, CA
Further information to be provided upon sign up.

Rater Certification Exam – Vendor

April 18, 2025

  • $1150 for the Rater Certification exam
  • $250 fee for the renewal registration fee and online test
  • Distress manuals are available for $25 from our store
  • Do you want your company to stand out when bidding on a StreetSaver customer’s proposal?
  • Do you want your customers to recognize your company as a firm that means quality work?
  • Do you want to get a referral from MTC?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, then we highly recommend that your company get certified by MTC!

The Vendor Certification Program (VCP), like the Rater Certification Program, consists of a vendor passing a pavement distress survey exam, and an online knowledge exam. These exams are designed to evaluate the skills and knowledge of a vendor on pavement condition rating based on the MTC’s 8AC/7PCC-distress protocol. A vendor must rate up to 24 test sites and achieve the required level of accuracy performing ratings as defined by the Passing Criteria (see below). The vendor certification exam is conducted twice a year.

Rating & Recording Methods
The pavement distress rating protocol used in the exams is based on a modified ASTM D6433 standard. There are eight distresses for flexible pavement and seven distresses for rigid pavement. The distress definitions and how to measure are included in the MTC-published Pavement Condition Index Distress Identification Manual for Asphalt and Surface Treatment Pavements, 4th Edition, March 2016, and the Pavement Condition Index Distress Identification Manual for Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, 3rd Edition, March 2016.

Automated, semi-automated, and manual (walking) distress survey methods are acceptable. The vendor will be tested on both asphalt concrete (AC) pavement and Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. For automated and semi-automated, the distress data collected on AC test sites will be 12 feet wide of the street by 200 feet long, while the manual survey will be the full width of the street by 100 feet long. For all methods, distress data for PCC test sites will be rated based on each slab.

Up to 24 test sites will be designated and marked by paint on the pavement. No sampling of inspection units is required. The vendor is not required to calculate the PCI; however, the total quantity of each distress and severity must be recorded. The vendor should provide “raw data” on the inspection sheet (see samples Sample1_RatingSheet_AC & Sample2_RatingSheet_PCC), in StreetSaver format as described by the Inspection Import Excel Format (see SampleExcel), and in MobileRater format.

Passing Criteria
To pass the field survey of the Vendor Certification exam, the vendor must meet the following two criteria:

  1.  At least 50 percent of the PCI values for the inspected sections must be within +/- 5 PCI points of the reference, or “ground truth,” PCI values.
  2. No more than 12 percent of the PCI values for the inspected sections can be greater than +/- 15 PCI points of the reference, or “ground truth,” PCI values.

The vendor will receive exam results by e-mail in about a month.

Rules and Testing Procedures

  • To ensure a level playing field, failure to adhere to the following rules may result in disqualification:
  • A map of the test sites will be distributed at 7:45 am on the testing date at a meeting location determined by MTC.
  • All surveys must be finished within the allotted time from 8 am to 4 pm.
  • All raw data (paper-based or electronic-based) must be submitted by 4 pm.
  • Rating methods (automated, semi-automated, and/or manual) must be specified at registration.
  • For all rating methods, teamwork is required.
  • For manual rating, inspection sheets will be provided; no substitution will be accepted.
  • AC test sites are marked in full width by 100 ft. in length for manual, 12 ft. by 200 feet for automated, or otherwise specified for AC. PCC test sites are marked from 10 to 30 slabs.
  • Vendors are required to provide necessary personal protective equipment and tools for the survey.
  • Fees are not refundable and must be paid each time the exam is taken.
  • Field testing can be suspended due to inclement weather.

Certificate Validation & Renewal
Upon successful completion of the exams, a certificate will be issued that is valid for two years. Renewal is good for another two more years upon showing proof of at least two certified raters. Every four years, certified vendors must take the field and knowledge exams to be recertified.

The VCP is open to pavement distress data collection vendors and pavement management consultants.

At a minimum, all vendors interested in taking the exam must be familiar with the MTC pavement distress rating protocol.

In addition, vendor personnel must have either attended the MTC Pavement Distress Survey class within the last three years or attended an online self-paced Pavement Condition Assessment course.

All applicants must pay a non-refundable registration fee of $1150 for the vendor certification exam. Distress manuals are available for $15 from our store.

Why Getting Certified?
MTC is the developer of the StreetSaver pavement management software with more than 500 users nationwide. Users include cities, counties, MPOs, government agencies, retail/malls and warehouse operators, and HOAs. Since 2008, StreetSaver has been used exclusively to perform the California local street and road statewide needs assessment. The statewide assessment is used to inform the Governor and Legislature of the critical funding shortfall for maintaining local streets and roads, and the consequences of deferring or reducing transportation funds for cities and counties.

To ensure quality data for the statewide analysis, we have developed procedures and guidelines for managing the quality of pavement data collection activities. MTC’s Data Quality Management Plan includes Rater and Vendor Certification Programs, quality control–before, during, and after production– and data acceptance. The vendor certification is part of the consultant selection and is an integral part of the data quality management plan. Many StreetSaver users at the local agency level adopt the MTC’s Data Quality Management Plan and require those prospective vendors (bidders) be certified by MTC.

Benefits of Becoming Certified:

  • Meet the minimum qualifications required for responding to RFPs/RFQs for local agencies and MTC’s Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (PTAP)
  • Increase local agencies’ confidence in the quality of data collected
  • Demonstrate your firm’s knowledge of pavement condition data collection with certified raters
  • Show that your firm is committed to providing quality data
  • Earn a trusted referral — MTC will maintain a list of certified vendors and raters


If you have any questions on the exam, please Contact Us.


Oakland, CA
Further information to be provided upon sign up.

Space is limited

Reserve your spot for our next Rater Certification exam today!