Gather Survey Data on Android and iOS Mobile Devices
mobileRater for Android and iOS is an app for pavement distress data collection with a built-in pavement condition index (PCI) calculator. This application is fully compatible with StreetSaver and runs on any Android and iOS device – your phone, or your tablet.
mobileRater is designed to assist pavement raters to record inspection data quickly and accurately. It can calculate PCI on the spot, thus improving quality control. It also has the ability to record multiple distresses at the same time, just the way raters would record on paper. At the end of the day, just connect the device to the internet and upload. All of the distress data collected will be easily and promptly imported to the StreetSaver server.
mobileRater Features
Advanced features on the go

Benefits of mobileRater
Our mobile app for collecting pavement distresses can improve the way you log and track condition data. The app offers intuitive, user-friendly navigation, allowing for accurate data entry and reducing unnecessary paper waste. Built-in data redundancies ensures that your distresses can be logged, stored and uploaded directly to StreetSaver without risk.