City of Richmond Stays On Top

City of Richmond, CA uses StreetSaver to prioritize its pavement management. Unfortunately, not unlike a majority of older cities from the Bay, Richmond has many aging roads in need of restoration. Residents took note of the matter and wanted action.

2022-11-04T18:39:10+00:00November 3rd, 2022|Pavement Rating|

Better Roads Ahead: Gilroy’s Pavement Improvement Program

The 5-Year Street Repair Program is a program dedicated to improving the condition of City streets over the next 5 years. Starting in 2022 and continuing for 5-years, the City will dedicate $3.9 million annually towards the rehabilitation and reconstruction of City streets. The 5-Year Street Repair Program is not designed to rehabilitate or reconstruct every street in Gilroy but prioritizes streets based on need and use in an effort to bring the overall pavement conditions of Gilroy to a higher level.

2022-11-04T18:52:23+00:00September 13th, 2022|Pavement Rating|

City of Pendleton – How the City of Pendleton Decides Which Streets to Repave

In the City of Pendleton, roads have been a hot-button issue for many years. The deteriorating state of some streets has been a subject of scrutiny both within the city government as well as in private groups. We have created this informational site in order to be more transparent and to help inform the public of how decisions are made on which roads to repave, as well as how much money it takes to repair and maintain roads.

2022-11-04T18:54:04+00:00July 29th, 2021|Pavement Rating|

For Performance Management, is IRI a Better Indicator?

The recent MAP-21, FHWA’s Notice of Proposed Rule Makings (NPRM) have heightened the importance of IRI as one of the performance metrics on pavement conditions that is required in the state DOT’s asset management plan. Why would FHWA pick IRI? For one important reason – this is by far the only national-level data that the state DOTs collect and submit every year for Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) reporting. Many state DOTs have IRI data since 1990 when it was first required by FHWA. So it is reasonable to see why the IRI became one of the performance metrics proposed, and state DOTs will be required to set a target in their asset management plan.

2022-11-04T18:45:24+00:00January 31st, 2018|Pavement Rating|
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