City of Pleasant Hill

The PMS is a computer-assisted management tool to inventory street pavement, assess pavement conditions, record historical maintenance, forecast budget needs in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and view the impacts of funding on City-wide pavement conditions over time. City streets are divided into manageable sections and their pavement conditions are entered into the PMS computer program called StreetSaver every two years to three years. PMS updates are also sent to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) which use the information to inventory the road conditions of the Bay Area and help guide them on the allocation of their grant monies for roadway repair.

Pleasant Hill Streets

The City of Pleasant Hill has approximately 110 centerline miles of paved surfaces, divided into approximately 768 pavement management segments. The centerline miles are further broken down as 18, 11.0, 82.0 centerline miles for arterial, collector and local streets, respectively. The average condition of the City’s Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is 66 on a 100-point scale, with 100 being a new street. A rating of 66 is considered is within range of the MTC defined “Good” condition. The City is currently working on the FY 2018-2023 five year paving plan.  Information will be uploaded pending City Council approval.

The City of Pleasant Hill Engineering Division establishes five-year street pavement moratorium lists to better manage the pavement degradation from the affects of utility cuts. Please click here for the Street Moratorium web page.



Author: City of Pleasent Hill