Welcome to StreetSaver!


All you need is a Web browser *. The StreetSaver® v.9 software is delivered to you online. Yes, that’s right, through a Web browser, anytime, anywhere. It is identical to the Desktop edition; the only difference is peace of mind. All software and hardware upgrades, database storage and backup, and regular maintenance are handled by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).

Support & Security Features

  • StreetSaver® on-demand virtual desktop for each user
  • Secured and private environment with 128-bit encryption
  • Database storage and recovery
  • Daily database backup and download via FTP
  • Free upgrades and enhancements
  • Access to virtual on-site system for technical support
  • Two hours of virtual on-site and hotline support per year
  • Latest Microsoft Windows® server operating systems
  • Advanced multiprocessor, server-grade, redundant hardware systems